Grant procedures

  • Operational programmes
    • Council of Ministers
    • Ministry of Education and Science (5)
      • BG-175467353 - ФОНД НАУЧНИ ИЗСЛЕДВАНИЯ (5)
        • BG-175467353-2024-01 - Procedure for national co-financing for participation of Bulgarian research groups in actions under the European cooperation in science and technology - COST
        • BG-175467353-2024-03 - Procedure for support of international scientific forums held in the Republic of Bulgaria
        • BG-175467353-2024-12 - Конкурс за проекти по програми за двустранно сътрудничество България-Китай /мобилност/ - 2024 г.
        • BG-175467353-2024-13 - National Scientific Program “VIHREN-2024”
        • BG-175467353-2024-14 - Конкурс BiodivTransform по Европейско партньорство Biodiversa +
    • Ministry of Innovation and Growth (1)
      • BG-177549112 - Ministry of Innovation and Growth (1)
        • BG-177549112-2023-01 - Certificate "StartUp Visa"
    • Ministry of culture
    • Ministry of tourism
    • Ministry of Transport