Grant procedures

  • Operational programmes
    • Council of Ministers (1)
      • BG-000695025 - Council of Ministers (1)
        • BG-000695025-2023-01 - Centralised contest for the selection of external evaluators (Ended)
    • Ministry of Education and Science (34)
      • BG-175467353 - ФОНД НАУЧНИ ИЗСЛЕДВАНИЯ (34)
        • BG-175467353-2022-01 - Procedure for national co-financing for participation of Bulgarian research groups in actions under the European cooperation in science and technology - COST (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-01 - Procedure "Bulgarian Scientific Periodicals - 2023" (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-02 - Procedure for support of international scientific forums held in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2024-02 - Програма CHIST-ERA (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2022-03 - Competition for funding of basic research of young and postdoctoral researchers - 2022 (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-03 - Procedure for national co-financing for participation of Bulgarian research groups in actions under the European cooperation in science and technology - COST (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2022-04 - Competition for basic research funding - 2022 (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-04 - Програма QuantEra II Topic 1. Quantum Phenomena and Resources (QPR) (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2024-04 - Програма M-ERA.NET (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2022-05 - National Scientific Program “Petar Beron, Science and innovations with Europe” (P. Beron) - 2022 (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-05 - Програма Era-Net Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities (ENUTC) (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2024-05 - Програма ICT-AGRI-FOOD (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2022-06 - Конкурс за проекти по програми за двустранно сътрудничество България – Австрия – 2022 г. (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-06 - Програма M-ERA.NET (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2024-06 - Конкурс за проекти по програми за двустранно сътрудничество 2024 г. – България–Китай – изследователски проекти (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-07 - Програма FLAG-ERA (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2024-07 - Конкурс за проекти по програми за двустранно сътрудничество 2024 г. – България – Франция по Програма „Рила“ (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-08 - Конкурс за проекти по програми за двустранно сътрудничество 2023 г. – България – Франция по Програма „Рила“ (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2024-08 - Програма CONCERT-Japan (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-09 - Програма HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2024-09 - Процедура „Българска научна периодика - 2025 година“ (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-10 - Програма CONCERT-Japan (Решения за въглеродно-неутрални градове) (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2024-10 - Конкурс за финансиране на фундаментални научни изследвания на млади учени и постдокторанти – 2024 г. (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-11 - Procedure "Bulgarian Scientific Periodicals - 2024" (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2024-11 - Конкурс за финансиране на фундаментални научни изследвания – 2024 г. (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-12 - Competition for funding of basic research of young and postdoctoral researchers - 2023 (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-13 - Конкурс за финансиране на фундаментални научни изследвания – 2023 г. (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-14 - National Scientific Program “Petar Beron, Science and innovations with Europe” (P. Beron) - 2023 (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-15 - Програма DUT (Driving Urban Trasitions) (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-16 - Конкурс BiodivNBS по Европейско партньорство Biodiversa + (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-17 - Конкурс за проекти по програми за двустранно сътрудничество 2023 г. – България – Словакия (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-18 - Конкурс за финансиране на научни изследвания в изпълнение на Меморандума за разбирателство за поддръжка и експлоатация на CMS детектора между МОН и ЦЕРН – 2023 г. (Ended)
        • BG-175467353-2023-19 - Southeast Asia-Europe JFS - Осми съвместен конкурс (Ended)
    • Ministry of Innovation and Growth (2)
      • BG-131304835 - Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (2)
        • BG-131304835-2022-01 - NATIONAL INNOVATION FUND (Ended)
        • BG-131304835-2024-01 - European partnership for innovative SMES/Eurostars 3 (Ended)
    • Ministry of culture
    • Ministry of tourism (39)
      • BG-176789478 - Ministry of tourism (39)
        • BG-176789478-2021-01 - State Aid SA.59990 (2020/N) – Bulgaria COVID-19: State aid scheme for tour operators and travel agents (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-01 - ` (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2023-01 - Program for financing marketing activities of tourist services in the Black Sea municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2021-02 - State aid for tour operators using air carriers with a valid operating license to operate charter flights to the Republic of Bulgaria for tourism purposes. (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-02 - ` (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2021-03 - A scheme providing grants to tour operators for reimbursement of the necessary amounts due to clients for unrealized trips in the period from 01.03.2020. to 31.12.2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-03 - Program for the use of humanitarian aid for persons seeking temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria as a result of hostilities in Ukraine. (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2021-04 - State aid for tour operators using air carriers with a valid operating license to operate charter flights to the Republic of Bulgaria for tourism purposes. (Terminated)
        • BG-176789478-2022-04 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2021-05 - Support enterprises carrying out an activity under one of the following codes under the Nomenclature of Economic Activities (NACE 2008) of the National Statistical Institute 55, 56, 79, 82.3, 86, 90, 93, 96.04 (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-05 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2021-06 - Providing grants to support the tourism sector to compensate for losses arising directly and / or indirectly from the restrictions on the activities of enterprises due to the anti-epidemic measures introduced (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-06 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2021-07 - Grants to tour operators to reimburse customers for unrealized trips due to COVID-19 (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-07 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2021-08 - State aid for tour operators using air carriers with a valid operating license to operate charter flights to the Republic of Bulgaria for tourism purposes. (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-08 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-09 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-10 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-11 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-12 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-13 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-14 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-15 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-16 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-17 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-18 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-19 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-20 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-21 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-22 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-23 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-24 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-25 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-26 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-27 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-28 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-29 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
        • BG-176789478-2022-30 - Program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine with granted temporary protection in the Republic of Bulgaria (Ended)
    • Ministry of Transport (1)
      • BG-000695388 - Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (1)
        • BG-000695388-2021-01 - Support to micro, small, medium and large enterprises engaged in the carriage of passengers by coach or bus for overcoming the economic effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. (Ended)